
Once again, just as the earth circles the sun and the tides flow in and out, the holiest time of the year is upon us. The time of waiting, of anticipation, of light darkening to become light again. Of new birth waiting to awaken and become present.

I invite you to let go of feeling overwhelmed at this busy time of year and to join with me in meditation, contemplation and anticipation of what is waiting to be birthed within you, and the world around you. Over the next four weeks, come in, rest awhile, read and listen to the meditations I have created. Open your heart to feeling the words and thoughts, let your mind rest in the quiet and feel the answers to the questions you are invited to contemplate rising up within you, waiting to be birthed.

This is an opportunity to reflect, meditate and to sit quietly in the dark becoming light, to discern your heart’s calling and to feel yourself becoming present to what is within you and what is here, right now.

This is an opportunity to flow gracefully and quietly into the spirit of Advent. To rest softly in the quiet and to awaken.

Advent Dates 2019

  • December 1 – First Sunday of Advent
  • December 8 – Second Sunday of Advent
  • December 16 – Third Sunday of Advent
  • December 22 – Fourth Sunday of Advent

Week 1


This is a time of anticipation and preparation.

Click HERE for the reading, audio-file for the meditation and the contemplative questions for Week 1.

Week 2


This is the time of endless nights growing darker. Be still. Be calm. Be strong of heart.

Click HERE for the reading, audio-file for the meditation and the contemplative questions for Week 2. 

Week 3


Anticipation hangs in the air as we move further into the darkness secure in the knowing — the light is soon to come.

Click HERE for the reading, audio-file for the meditation and the contemplative questions for Week 3.

Week 4 


The time of our awakening is nigh. Breathe deeply into the quiet and listen to the song of your soul waiting to be birthed.

Click HERE for the reading, audio-file for the meditation and the contemplative questions for Week 4.